
Natural gypsum (CaSO4 • 2H2O), also known as gypsum, could be processed into β-hemihydrate gypsum (CaSO4 • 1 / 2H2O) by calcining and grinding, namely building gypsum, plaster or stucco. If the calcination temperature is 190 ° C, we can obtain model gypsum, whose fineness and whiteness is higher than construction gypsum. If natural gypsum is calcined under 400-500 ° C or above 800 ° C temperature, the final material would be flooring gypsum, which clotting, hardening are slow, but the strength, abrasion resistance and water resistance after hardening is better, compared with ordinary building gypsum. Usually selenite is white, colorless or transparent crystal, sometimes due to impurities and ash, the appearance could be yellow, light brown and other colors.

Gypsum Grinding Solution

High-performance Equipment

To cater to specific material characteristics and meet customer requirements, SBM provides a range of grinding mills, including the MTM, MTW, LM, LUM, and SCM series.

Eco-friendly Production

To ensure environmentally friendly production, various measures are implemented, including the adoption of dust removers and sealing at each component.

Process Optimization

SBM's solutions are highly automated, characterized by the utilization of a centralized control platform. This allows for the monitoring and effective control of the entire production process, resulting in significant savings in labor costs.

After-sales Service

For each customer, a dedicated engineer is assigned to oversee their project, ensuring prompt resolution of any questions or issues that may arise. Additionally, our 24/7 online service is readily available to provide assistance at any time.

Gypsum Processing Plant

1.The large size crusher gypsum ore is broken into less than 30mm granule by crushers. Then be delivered to the grinding mill;

2.Gypsum powder production line adopts Chinese domestic mature and advanced process and equipments, such as vertical mill and boiling furnace etc;

3.The qualified gypsum powder, which reaches required fineness, could pass separator and is transported into boiling furnace by air to be calcined. The rest big powder would return mill again. Boiling furnace is the most widely used equipment in china in building gypsum process industry. The virtue is its simple structure and easy operation;

4.Calcined gypsum powder would be stored by silo or packed by bags for sale, or transported into following workshop directly;

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